Главное новогоднее событие в Тамбове свершилось: Центральная городская ёлка собрала более 500 мальчишек и девчонок, которых пришёл поздравить глава администрации города Тамбова
The main idea of the text is that over 500 children from Tambov, including those from large families and families with parents serving in the special military operation zone, attended the main city Christmas tree.
The event was attended by the head of the administration of Tambov, Maxim Kosenenkov, and included a magical performance with workshops held at the Tambov Youth Theatre.
The main idea of the text is that over 500 children from Tambov, including those from large families and families with parents serving in the special military operation zone, attended the main city Christmas tree. The event was attended by the head of the administration of Tambov, Maxim Kosenenkov, and included a magical performance with workshops held at the Tambov Youth Theatre.